I have the responsibility to help make school a safe and harmonious place by being thoughtful, respectful and courteous to others.
I have the responsibility to attend school every day, on time and arrive promptly for each class.
I have the responsibility to behave and dress in such a way as to bring credit to myself and to my school.
I have the responsibility to care for my school, its building, its equipment and its environment.
I have the responsibility to observe all safely, playground and classroom rules.
I have the responsibility to respesct the rights of others to work without being distracted.
I have the responsibility to be properly prepared for the day's work by bringing all books and equipment to each lesson.
I have the responsibility to work to the best of my ability with regards to my class work, homework and assignments, being sure to hand them in on time.
I have the responsibility to take the newsletter and all school messages home.
I have the responsibility of being a worthy citizen within the school and the wider community.
I have the responsibility to respect the heritage of all Australians.
I have the responsibility to comply with all school rules and to follow the School Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct.