About Us
Hornsby Girls High School has an active and vibrant Old Girls' Union (OGU) providing the link between the School and its past students, beyond the School gate.
The primary aim of the OGU is to promote and foster the interests of the School and preserve its rich heritage.
The OGU is committed to maintaining a strong, valued tie with the School today and continues to liaise with the Principal, staff and present students.
The OGU is dedicated to keep the School history relevant and alive – maintaining, cataloguing and preserving a decade by decade extensive data base and physical collection of School archival memorabilia and documents.
The OGU is involved in many aspects of School life today, from funding projects and providing funds for annual Speech Day prizes and awards to participating in School functions. Being a part of the OGU provides opportunities to share skills and talents. Old girls have returned to School as mentors, speakers or as guests of current students.
The OGU sends out a biannual newsletter, titled ‘Nostalgia', to Life Members, providing news of old girls and present girls, details of forthcoming OGU and School events and updating progress on OGU projects.
The OGU maintains a data base of Life Members, and we are delighted to assist reunion organisers to contact and stay in touch with school friends forever. Many Year Reunions are held locally, nationally and internationally. If you would like to organise your Year Reunion please contact the OGU Secretary (details below).
Invitations to join the OGU are extended to Year 12 and all past students are invited to renew their association with the School as a Life Member of the Old Girls' Union. As a member you will become part of a network of women connected once again by the motto ‘Faith with Fortitude'.
Life Membership is $75. Application forms for Life Membership are available by emailing the OGU Secretary, Sue Hungerford at hungerfordb@bigpond.com.au or, by phoning the School Secretary on (02) 9476 5711, to leave contact details for the OGU Secretary to return the call.