Hornsby Girls High School

Excellence in Girls' Education

Telephone02 9476 5711



Hornsby Girls High School is a selective school where students gain entry on the basis of academic ability. Historically all students are capable of successfully gaining university course offers.

The Careers Education Program reflects the nature of the school, the ever changing vocational and higher education contexts and is consistent with government policies including Gifted & Talented education.

The Careers program is delivered through a variety of means and maintains a focus designed to address each individual need of each student primarily through individual vocational counselling and assessment.

The program also consists of Year 10 Careers classes, a program of guest speakers consisting of lunchtime presentations from all of the major universities as well as opportunities for Year 10 students to experience the world of work first hand through work experience. Opportunities also exist for careers and or higher education excursions such as Women in Defence.

The school has also purchased a subscription to ‘Study Work Grow’ which contains regular updated information on all post school options and careers. All members of the school community can gain access to this site. 

Other school based issues such as subject selection assistance and study support through such programs such as ‘Study Without Stress' and WIRL Career together with the Year 12 GRIT Factor activity are also part of the Careers program. 

In addition students have the opportunity to experience and investigate moral and ethical issues that have an impact on the workplace and university study through involvement in a variety of extra activities such as the school's Diversity Group as well as events organised by external agencies such as the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW.

Careers News Bulletins