The Library is named after Miss Agnes Brewster, first Principal of the school from 1930 to 1938.
The Agnes Brewster Memorial Library holds a large collection of resources to support the curriculum. The collection consists of over 20,000 titles to support the teaching and learning programs in the school. There is an extensive Fiction Collection as well as other recreational resources to encourage wide reading.
The Library catalogue is an online catalogue, available both at school and at home. Students can search for resources, view their current loans, reserve books, renew books, and write book reviews for others to read. Links to online digital resources are also on the homepage of the catalogue.

Computers are available for individual use, providing access to the Internet, scanning and printing facilities, as well as various software applications. Facilities for whole class viewing of films on a large screen are available, as well as other facilities for small groups or individual viewing.
The Library subscribes to many print versions of journals as well as The Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre which is a an online journal database. This provides access to full text articles from over 600 journals, as well as leading Australian newspapers, reference works, biographies and images. Access to this database is available on every computer throughout the school. Home access to this online database is also available.
Online Resources
The Library has subscriptions to several online resources that may be accessed at school and at home:
- The Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre: an online journal database providing access to over 600 journal titles, as well as reference works, Australian newspapers, biographies, videos and images.
- Cambridge Collections Online: literature, philosophy, classics, religion and cultural studies from the Cambridge Companions series, which offers access to around 400 titles.
- Issues in Society Digital Editions
- Sydney Morning Herald
- Online Referencing Generator
Student Information
Senior Study Collection
Study materials from:
- Excel
- Cambridge
Students in Years 7-10 may borrow up to 20 fiction and 20 non-fiction resources at one time. Students in Years 11-12 may borrow up to 30 fiction and 30 non-fiction resources in addition to all English texts. The normal loan period is two weeks. Resources may be reserved. Renewals may be made where the item has not been reserved by another student.
Games such as Scrabble and Chess are available at the Library Desk.
Book Groups operate during lunch times. Students who love to read are encouraged to come along and share their love of books in informal and fun meetings.
Year 7 students participate in Library lessons designed to enhance their use and enjoyment of the Library. They are instructed in the use of the Online Library Catalogue, how to use the Online Referencing Generator to create a Reference List for assignments, where to find resources, digital resources such as World Book Advanced, as well as general Library procedures and facilities.
Students may volunteer to assist in the Library as Library Monitors. They learn how the Library Management System operates, process loans and returns and assist with shelving, student requests, displays and other Library activities. Currently there are 40 Library Monitors.
Premier's Reading Challenge
Students participate in the NSW Premier's Reading Challenge. Details are available from the Teacher-Librarian.
HGHS Harmonies of Cooking 2023
The HGHS Harmonies of Cooking recipe book has been launched. Thank you to the 44 students, staff, parents and HGHS Old Girls who contributed their favourite recipes. We have a fantastic range of dishes, all tried and recommended by our school community. We created this book as a celebration of cultural diversity and it is certainly that, with cuisine from China, India, England, USA, Sri Lanka, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Colombo, Vietnam, Scotland, Ukraine, Croatia, Mexico and Greece. Amongst the many gems, are two special contributions made on behalf of HGHS Old Girls and several exemplary recipes cooked by Ms McGuire’s Food Technology classes.
Again, thank you from the Library Staff who have thoroughly enjoyed compiling this recipe book, using the excellent resources of the Taste of Harmony website. We intend to spend the holidays cooking and eating! Click here to access HGHS Harmonies of Cooking.